It is a requirement of the ACU’s Standing Regulations that Rookies must wear an Orange Jacket when on-track at all times (inc Testdays). The Club now requires that Rookies comply with this throughout the entirety of their Rookie year even if they have gained sufficient signatures to upgrade to Clubman and irrespective of the class they are competing in.
The reasons for this are twofold: Where your Rookie Class runs within the main class grid (e.g. Rookie 400’s in with the main 400 grid) the wearing of an Orange Jacket enables the class of each rider to be clear to others during a race and the Jacket provides an indication to more experienced riders that the wearer is a novice or in their first year of racing.
Replacements are available at every meeting in the Race Office and spares, if you forget, are available on request in the Collecting Area. Failure to wear an Orange Jacket as set out above will result in a penalty to be determined by the Clerk of the Course. This could be a time penalty that could affect your race result.
We have spare stock of jackets in the Race Office if you’ve trashed yours (for a modest charge)