BMCRC Membership Renewal & ACU Licence Renewal for 2025 - NOW LIVE
Once you’ve bought Bemsee Membership online you will be able to renew or apply for your ACU Road Race Licence....
The ACU has changed and refreshed their Licence renewals for 2025 - you no longer require to have a code to prove that you have joined Bemsee. Instead we have arranged for the Bemsee and ACU systems to be linked so that as long as you have first renewed your Bemsee Membership for 2025 - the ACU site will recognise that.
Licence Renewals and applications are on-line at the ACU’s site. That process will also require registration, you should receive an email from ACU/Sport80 asking you to go and renew your Licence (emails will issue for renewals 1st January) - once you’ve done all this you can just log-in when you return to use their site again in the future.
Should you need to renew your eye-test - use THIS FORM with your Optician and then up-load to the ACU website in the Licence section of their site.
Existing Riders - Licence Renewal
Just ensure your Bemsee profile features your ACU Licence Number (That's how we link the two sites)
If you are required to update any info, your eye-test for example - then the ACU will hold issuing your Licence until you have provided that. There is a facility within the Licence renewal section of the ACU website for you to upload and submit documents, or you can post them to the Licence Department.
If you are upgrading your Licence at this time, then you will just need to submit the associated results sheets for each of your 10 qualifying races. We suggest you take a copy and send them by post to the ACU as this is a lot to upload online. There is no longer a requirement for the old Collecting Card to be completed and signed.
New Riders for 2025
You need to go through the CTC-BRA Course before you can get your new Licence, you can complete your initial first ACU Road Race Licence application online (SEE VIDEO TUTORIAL ON HOW-TO DO THIS HERE) - the Licence will be issued once you have completed your course.
You need to setup your own Rider Profile on - CLICK HERE
AND join Bemsee as a Member - CLICK HERE
Check our "Starting Racing" Section for more details
You will also need to book a CTC-BRA Course - CLICK HERE (WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON)
If you are not sure about the detail on Membership or Licence renewal - or what to do if you are upgrading your Licence at this time, give the office a call on 01708 720305, we are here to help.
Meeting Entries for 2025....New Riders & Sidecar Passengers - setting up your Profile
For Riders, this website makes Testday and Meeting Entry simple - all you will need to do to be ready for the 2024 season is Register on the site. Just go to the "Register" button at the top right of the site and follow the process. If you've been with the Club before - you already have a profile established.
Sidecar Passengers – please also ensure you have a separate Registration on the site – this helps us manage admin – even if your Driver does the meeting bookings.
In the Registration process you can enter all the usual details that we need - Name & address details, Next of Kin, bike, transponder, class and payment info. These will all be saved and held so when you enter a meeting, we will already know who you are and your associated info. When you return to the site just log-in again for the site to recognise you – a tip: If you tick “remember me” on the log-in page, the site will always log you in on the computer you use when you return to
Click on your "My Profile" at the top of the homepage when logged in - that will take you straight to all your info.
Any Card details you add when doing a payment are held away from the site securely by CitiPay and we ask them to take payments for meetings and testdays on the Friday one week out from the event. The site will email you a confirmation and a receipt every time. Or receipts are available to download in "My Profile > "My Entries & Membership" Meeting entries for the first 2025 round will go live on the site in February - riders will be emailed the details in advance.
As you look around the site, let us know if you have problems using it on any platform (it works well on Mobile devices too) and drop us an email or call the office on 01708 720305 (Open 10-3 weekdays)